ENКонтактиДолучитисяУкраїнсько-данський молодіжний дім

10:11 Mentorship Program


10:11 is a 3-month free online personal mentorship program for high school students. We support Ukrainian students in their last years of school in making better life decisions and help them discover opportunities for youth.

What are we looking for?

It is important for our team to build a sustainable culture of mentorship in Ukraine. We hope to find international contacts/organizations that are maybe doing something similar to exchange mentorship best practices or share our experience of starting the program from scratch.

Location: all around Ukraine

All organizations: Youth engagement


If there was one thing we wanted our mentees to believe it would be "Everything is possible for you in this life!". We would also hope that with that line in mind they would be decisions about their future. In order to make this a reality, we work through a personal mentorship program in two directions:

Mentors demonstrate to mentees all available opportunities to broaden their horizons. They share educational resources, exchange programs, job/internship opportunities, introduce interesting people etc. Moreover, the 10:11 team runs a Telegram channel that currently has more than 1,000 subscribers. There we share relevant educational and development opportunities with all high school students of Ukraine.

Mentors work with menteess on their level of self-esteem and confidence. Soft skills are powerful tools for mentees to overcome challenges in the future. We focus on the 4 most important - decision making, goal setting, reflection and time management. All four are developed through working on real-life goal mentees set for themselves for the duration of the mentorship program.

After 3 months of mentoring, we expect such high school students:

  • to believe that there are more opportunities around than it seemed before
  • to know how to find reflect on their aspirations/interests and turn them into goals
  • to name at least one thing that they consider an achievement during the mentorship period

To date we have been able to provide 106 high school students with personal mentorship experience. All due to the vibrant community of 90 volunteer mentors. We build our mentorship program building on the US youth mentorship effectiveness research and remain the only youth mentorship program in Ukraine attempting to measure the impact we create.


Our mission is to enrich the last high school years of Ukrainian students with opportunities and self-discoveries. We help them carefully approach important life decisions expected of them at this age. In the light of war we also support the process of our mentee’s reconciliation with reality and their perseverance to succeed in life no matter what.