ENДім у КиєвіДім у МиколаєвіУкраїнсько-данський молодіжний дім



After the full-scale invasion of Russia, our team launched the project "Let's Be Happy Volunteer Headquarters", which collects funds for equipment and ammunition for Ukrainian defenders, and also takes care of more than 200 families of IDPs every day.

Contact us

Katherine Hutsol madens.kathrin@gmail.com

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What are we looking for?

The AutoMaidan team is looking for partners abroad. We are looking for those who want to help us make socially impactful projects alive and make them even more interesting and useful.

Reach out to us!

Location: Odesa

All organizations


Our team takes care of people who have moved from war zones. We systematically provide them with food, hygiene products, and baby products. For this purpose, we constantly interact with well-known charitable funds and projects, such as the Ronald McDonald House Foundation, the World Food Program of the United Nations, UNICEF, the European Endowment for Democracy, Razom for Ukraine, Nova Ukraine, and others.

Every month, our team delivers more than 4,000 thousand kits directly into the hands of those who find themselves in a difficult situation. We have organized 2 permanent points of delivery of humanitarian aid in different districts of the city of Odessa. In addition, our volunteers deliver products to people with disabilities and carry out "out-of-town deliveries" in remote villages and communities.

We also organize various charity events and projects for the rehabilitation of children who survived the horrors of war. Currently, a team of psychologists works at our headquarters and conducts group therapy with children three times a week. We also started an art school for IDP children from 6 to 17 years old, where famous artists of our city teach children theater and film art. At the end of the course, a charity concert is held, during which the children put on plays and show the films they shot, raising funds for the same children arriving in Odessa from war zones.


United in our desire to approach the victory!